‘Knives Out Theory’: How Hate, COVID19 Denial, and Neglect Drain the Energy of People with M.E.

On a wooden block is one knife laying down and one knife is jabbed into the wood.

Christine Miserandino’s ‘Spoon Theory’ helped chronically sick people explain their limited energy reserves to non-chronically sick people. However, in recent years, our precious energy reserves haven’t solely been used up by daily life, but also actively stolen by an all too frequently hostile world. This is where the Knives Out Theory comes in—people living with …

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Rethinking My Response To Andrew Gwynne MP During Last Week’s Instagram / Facebook Live

Wooden carved letters spell out the word RETHINK

Hello, I was unfair to Andrew Gwynne MP during Friday’s Instagram/Facebook Live and that is why I am writing this blog. I’ll admit that I skim read his letter response, received on 4th November 2024, as I am so used to getting generic replies it went in one eye and out the other. I only …

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Open Letter to the British Paralympic Association About the Need for a Caveat

Dear Members of the British Paralympic Association, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you as a concerned supporter of the Paralympic movement, and as an advocate for the rights and dignity of chronically sick disabled people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis worldwide. The Paralympics have always been a powerful platform, celebrating the …

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The Pawfect Bake Off!

As you know, Foggy’s Global Challenge will end on 16th July 2024, the year-long challenge was to travel 250,000 miles and raise £1,000,000 (Neither have been achieved but he/we had fun trying!). This July marks ME Foggy Dog’s 10th anniversary of M.E fundraising and campaigning (in various forms) and I had been thinking of ways …

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ME Foggy Dog’s Ongoing Campaign: Urgent Call for a NHS Protocol for Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E)

Hi, As M.E Foggy Dog supporters know, I started actively campaigning for an NHS protocol for severe M.E and better adherence to NICE guidelines in NHS hospitals in mid-February 2024. This blog specifically relates to the campaign for an NHS protocol. The NHS protocol is now 2 months along and I have made no progress …

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List of Reasons Why This Redefining Gravity Benefit Concert Is Needed

Sally Callow speaking at the 2023/2024 Launch Event for ME Foggy Dog

It’s been a long day of planning and researching for this benefit concert challenge so I’m cheating a bit, I posted this as a thread on X earlier but, as the algorithm means barely anyone will have seen it, and because many MEeps have left X for greener pastures, I am reposting it as a …

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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, YOLO, and Being ‘Unfixable’.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis can happen to anyone, it does not discriminate in terms of age, sex, or race. It doesn’t care whether you have a ‘positive mental attitude’ or walk on the pessimistic side of life. You know THOSE people? THOSE people who say YOLO? (You Only Live Once) THOSE people who throw caution to the …

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