‘Knives Out Theory’: How Hate, COVID19 Denial, and Neglect Drain the Energy of People with M.E.

On a wooden block is one knife laying down and one knife is jabbed into the wood.

Christine Miserandino’s ‘Spoon Theory’ helped chronically sick people explain their limited energy reserves to non-chronically sick people. However, in recent years, our precious energy reserves haven’t solely been used up by daily life, but also actively stolen by an all too frequently hostile world. This is where the Knives Out Theory comes in—people living with …

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Paralympic Games and Greater Inclusivity – A Work In Progress

This blog follows on from this ‘open letter’ I have posted the response received from Paralympics GB / Every Body Moves on social media in recent weeks but am now actioning the next step. Response received 7th September 2024. Dear Sally, Thank you for taking the time to write to us. We appreciate your concerns …

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Press Release – Open Letter to Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Victoria Atkins MP

[Embargo: For Immediate Release] Subject: Urgent Call for a NHS Protocol for Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E) To Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Victoria Atkins MP I am writing to you as a concerned citizen and advocate for individuals suffering from severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.), urging the immediate establishment of a dedicated National …

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Happy 13th ‘M.E’-Versary!

Hi, Today marks the 13th anniversary of the start of my life with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Unsurprisingly, I won’t be having a party to mark the occasion. To clarify, it is not the 13th anniversary of having a diagnosis of M.E (I was diagnosed as having C.F.S by a GP 2 and a half years later)  …

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For People New To Myalgic Encephalomyelitis – An Overview.

Getting a diagnosis of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis often takes years. My own diagnosis took well over 2 years and I have spoken virtually to sufferers who waited decades. This is partly due to a lack of awareness and knowledge of M.E within the medical profession – some of whom doubt that M.E is a ‘real’ illness. …

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