‘Knives Out Theory’: How Hate, COVID19 Denial, and Neglect Drain the Energy of People with M.E.

On a wooden block is one knife laying down and one knife is jabbed into the wood.

Christine Miserandino’s ‘Spoon Theory’ helped chronically sick people explain their limited energy reserves to non-chronically sick people. However, in recent years, our precious energy reserves haven’t solely been used up by daily life, but also actively stolen by an all too frequently hostile world. This is where the Knives Out Theory comes in—people living with …

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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, YOLO, and Being ‘Unfixable’.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis can happen to anyone, it does not discriminate in terms of age, sex, or race. It doesn’t care whether you have a ‘positive mental attitude’ or walk on the pessimistic side of life. You know THOSE people? THOSE people who say YOLO? (You Only Live Once) THOSE people who throw caution to the …

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Social Workers and M.E

This blog was inspired by a tweet I saw yesterday from a ‘social worker’ in a thread about Long Covid. I took a screenshot of their tweet and my response, I hope the person who tweeted these remarks has the decency to delete their post as it is highly stigmatising and prejudicial to those with …

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‘I Don’t Care, It Doesn’t Affect Me’

Since the start of my advocacy back in 2014, it has been very clear to me that many people in the wider world, outside of our M.E bubble, don’t care about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis because it doesn’t affect them personally. They don’t know anyone with the illness (that they are aware of –  nondisclosure, anybody?!) and …

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A Few Noteworthy Things…

Hello! I hadn’t planned on writing loads of blogs during Foggy’s home stretch but a few things have happened that should be talked about. Yesterday, for want of a better word, I was ‘head-hunted’ due to my social media marketing business to ‘host’ a Twitter hour slot for the foreseeable future. I had a phone …

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Never-Ending What Ifs

Hello! Devoted fans, Sally drives herself nuts by wondering if there is anything she did pre-M.E to trigger her illness. Maybe she shouldn’t have got so stressed over a breakup or maybe she should have looked after herself better. I’m sure she’s not alone in that way of thinking. I keep telling her it’s nothing …

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Hi, Over the past 4 years, I have been struck by the sheer number of M.E/CFS sufferers who keep their health private. They are free to do so, that is their choice to make. However, as the founder of ME Foggy Dog, I waived that right to privacy in order to raise awareness. As you …

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