M.E. is a global illness – Emerge Australia


Foggy is loving his time in Brisbane, Australia with Sally’s mum Carol. Foggy wants people to realise that it doesn’t matter where you live in the world you could either have, or know someone who has M.E. So, Sally was given the task of contacting an M.E. organisation in Australia to see if they wanted to meet Foggy. This is what happened…


As I mention regularly on social media channels, this is a global campaign. Any funds raised will benefit M.E. sufferers worldwide in the form of research. I chose to fundraise for the ME Association in the UK as it is based in my home country but also because I like the work they do. Throughout the campaign I have contacted other ME organisations around the world, based in whichever country Foggy was visiting at that particular time. Unfortunately, none of these organisations chose to participate.

However, I am now in touch with Emerge Australia; I emailed the CEO, Amanda Kelly, to see if she would like to meet Foggy and help to spread the Foggy love and M.E. awareness.

Unfortunately, Sydney is as far south as Foggy and co will be travelling, and so Foggy will not be able to visit Emerge Australia in their Melbourne office. We are happy to promote Emerge Australia in this blog post; Emerge Australia has a strong focus on research and has the full support of Team Foggy. Foggy and I strongly believe that the fight against M.E. will only be successful if we all work together. M.E. organisations worldwide need to work together for the benefit of sufferers; sharing research findings, existing knowledge and ideas on how best to support sufferers.

Here is a link to the Emerge Australia website:

They are currently undertaking a large research project into the health and welfare of people with ME/CFS, take a look at the link below.

Extract from the Strategic Plan 2014-2017 on the website:

‘The landscape in which we undertake our work is slowly changing.  Research into ME/CFS is gradually increasing, the impact of chronic illness in general is being acknowledged, and international acceptance of ME/CFS as a real condition is greatly increased.  It is up to Australia to catch up to the rest of the world and to ensure that those affected in our own country are not left behind when we see how this condition is understood, managed and treated.’

No country should be ‘left behind’, Foggy and I hope that this situation will be changed by promoting this excellent organisation and the great work they do. If you are a sufferer, and live in Australia, Emerge Australia can support you and give guidance where needed.

I know that Foggy is disappointed that he will not be able to meet Amanda in person, but sends her, and the rest of her team, big Foggy doggy snogs xxx


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