Did you know that Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E), otherwise known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), affects over 21,000 children and young adults here in the UK?
ME Foggy Dog is a UK-based, social media driven, social enterprise.Between 2014-2-18, Team Foggy raised over £10k for the ME Association. Foggy, a soft toy, is a globetrotting adventurer who travels the globe raising awareness with every paw-step. This is Foggy meeting his doggy
idol…GOOFY!!!! Foggy has a bucket list, maybe you could help to make one of his wishes come true?
What is M.E?
It is a severely debilitating and life-altering illness that affects 250,000 (low estimate) people here in the UK (17 million worldwide – very low estimate). Due to the ridiculous name Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the general public assume that it is ‘just’ tiredness. WRONG. There are a wide range of symptoms including chronic pain, dizziness, IBS, migraines, and cognitive issues.
Here is the ME Association’s description of M.E What is M.E?
I am contacting you to see if you would consider highlighting ME/CFS on Blue Peter? There are many housebound/bedbound young sufferers who are fans of your show. It would be great if you could help ME Foggy Dog to show them they are not forgotten about. We know they are there and we know that they are struggling.
There is a wave of recognition of the illness happening right now. Use the opportunity – Get on the awareness train (*Foggy* Choo choo!) I would urge your producers, presenters and back stage staff to watch the award-winning documentary Unrest. It shows the people you can’t see, those people who are invisible in society because they can’t break free from their beds. You can watch it on Netflix, vimeo and iTUNES.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
Sally Callow