Biopsychsocial Approaches and M.E/C.F.S (and now Long Covid) In Images.


I’m not going to write a very wordy blog giving readers my opinion on what is, or is not, happening right now in terms of biopsychsocial approaches within M.E/C.F.S ‘treatments’, the NICE guidelines delay (currently day 9), and Long Covid ‘treatments’ and research. I am going to give you ‘information’ in the form of screenshotted documents and let you make your own mind up.

Here we go.

You might have to zoom in to read the text, enlarging them made the text blurry.

Images 1-3 were original seen on a @postersandme tweet on 24th August 2021 -7.05pm. Image source information can be found at the bottom of this blog.

Image 1 –



Image 2.



Image 3.


The three images above relate to Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (M.E/C.F.S).

This image relates to Long Covid, one subset of which has many overlapping symptoms with M.E/C.F.S.

Image 4.

What is your interpretation of these images?

Comment below – I’d love to know your thoughts, particularly if you are not part of the M.E/C.F.S or Long Covid patient communities.

Love Sally (Foggy’s P.A)

and Foggy (OBVIOUSLY)



Image sources –



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