Foggy is enjoying being back at Foggy HQ with Sally, just resting his paws before seeing the delights of Italia! Sally has been worrying a little bit; this is why….
Not long to go now!! I will be heading to Marco Polo airport in Venice with my friend Alessia and Foggy in 2 days time. I have been to Venice and Verona before but it will be lovely to see these two beautifully stunning cities again.

Team Foggy will also be heading to Mantua, somewhere new to explore. I am worried because I am already feeling wiped out thanks having to Laryngitis for the past 2 weeks, I am still recovering from that. Which, as any sufferer knows, will probably take a few more weeks before I feel ‘normal’ again. This means that I will probably be feeling like death warmed up already after the hour and a half car journey to Gatwick on Thursday! Change of routine always upsets my M.E. symptoms however lovely that change of routine is.
Once I get to the airport my M.E. senses have to cope with bright lights, noise, busy-ness (is that a word?) and lots of standing up. I am having to plan, as much as possible, how I am going to reserve energy while all this is going on. Obviously sitting and resting is going to be key while we wait for our flight. No airport shopping for me *sob*;I may even put in earplugs to dumb down the surrounding noise. *Sorry Alessia, I don’t think I’m going to be good company in the airport!!* I’m ok with flying. I’ll just close my eyes and deep breathe to lower my heart rate ready for more travelling when we arrive in Venice. Essentially, this is PACING therapy….quiet time without sensory overload.
Team Foggy is staying with Alessia’s parents. This wasn’t organised to help with my symptoms but with hindsight I think it will help greatly. I wont feel pushed to keep going constantly and can take myself off to my room or a quiet space to recharge while Alessia catches up with family. Being in a homely environment is also less stressful than a sterile hotel room.
It also means that Alessia’s dad is picking us up from the airport – THANK YOU ALESSIA’S DAD!! (less stress) and Alessia has offered to drive us around Italy during our stay (again, less stress). So I think this element of the trip is manageable and wont overly attack my energy levels. I can sleep/close my eyes in the car and just let Alessia concentrate on the driving. Much better than noisy trains, bright lights and busy-ness (OK, the non word for the second time!)
Obviously I can’t micro-manage the rest of the trip as I have no idea what is coming up! But, I KNOW I will be tired. That is a given. So, it is an excuse to sit, people watch and take in the wonderful culture. Italy is so beautiful, it is definitely one of my favourite destinations and plan to come back many times over my lifetime – health permitting.

The reason I am worrying? I do not want my health to YET AGAIN have a damaging impact on the holiday of others. Alessia is lovely and would never, ever say that my health annoys her because we can’t be as active as she would like to be (she is ALWAYS on the go!!). From past experience I know that come day 2 or 3 of our trip I will be exhausted. A few days of activity will catch up on me regardless of how much rest I have had; Alessia has told me that if I feel the need to stay and rest in her parents house on that day then so be it. It’s me that doesn’t like that idea!!! Why be in Italy if you are so blooming blah that you can’t get out and about and see the sights? It is my own issues and thoughts that get me upset. I don’t want to let anyone down by being ill. It is frustrating, upsetting and makes me a little bit down if I am honest.
In addition to the energy side of symptoms, I also have to consider my dietary issues. I will be in the land of wonderful, fabulous pizza, pasta and wine. How much of this will I be able to enjoy?…..ZERO. There is no choice in the matter. If I do indulge in anything glutinous the only sights I will be seeing are the inside of many toilet cubicles as we travel around northern Italy!
Not worth it. When I visited Lake Garda a couple of years ago gluten free food wasn’t readily available and the only dessert they could offer me in the hotel was a plate of strawberries. So, I don’t have high hopes!!! Such a shame but there is nothing I can do about it. I’m not quite sure why I have a reaction to wine but it’s the same as gluten so again, I have to steer clear. Vodka is definitely the way forward! Alessia’s mum has already looked into getting gluten free food from her local supermarket (THANK YOU xx) which is a relief; it will mainly be a problem when we are out and about and staying in a hotel for one night.
I hope you all enjoy the many photos and videos I will be taking; I hope they are worth my ‘unwell-ness’ (yes I know!!! Again not a word).
Sally xx